Tuesday, September 20, 2016

IVF Cycle: Stims Days 9-12

Day 9: Saturday, September 18. Poke count:28

I woke up at 6 today and gave myself the Cetrotide injection. I then fell back asleep until almost 11:00AM! I am starting to feel extremely tired throughout the day. The headache's don't seem too bad anymore, they have gotten less frequent. My Cenopur injection was strange today. I don't know if I hit a vein or something, but my entire left hip burned and went numb for a minute. It went away pretty quickly, but it hurt pretty bad!

We are spending the weekend in Ypsilanti visiting friends who will be moving to Canada next month. I made sure to pack an entire box of medication this time! Driving back home from Ypsilanti would be much more inconvenient than my drive home from Muskegon last week. I'm super lame and went to bed before anybody left the going away party! I was just way too tired to keep my eyes open and nearly fell asleep on the couch.

Day 10: Sunday, September 19 Poke Count: 31

I didn't feel much better this morning. I still felt very tired and am feeling more full by the day. I went to a baby shower for a friend and it was a nice reminder of why we are doing all of this. Seeing her all adorable and pregnant, anxiously awaiting her baby girl to be born would make anyone forget the annoyance of hormone injections.

Of course, we played some oh-so-entertaining shower games and got a glimpse into the future of pregnant, Emily.
I am not nearly as cute with a balloon belly as Caitlin!!
(Please don't kill me for posting this picture!)
I have an appointment for another ultrasound and bloodwork tomorrow and I am praying I'll be ready for the egg retrieval soon!

Day 11: Monday, September 20. Poke count 35

My ultrasound and bloodwork was all normal, but unfortunately the follicles still have some growing to do. They thought this might be the case, so it's a good thing I ordered more Menopur. I'll stay on the injections for another night and they want me to come back in tomorrow morning for another ultrasound and blood tests.

I looked through my other meds this morning just in case I would be ready for my trigger shot and I noticed I was missing a syringe. They sent a needle with the trigger shot, but no syringe! The nurse was able to find an extra syringe to give me. I'm really glad I realized this today, and not at midnight when I'm sleepily preparing the injection.

Day 12: Tuesday, September 21. Poke Count: 39

I had another appointment today for an ultrasound and bloodwork. The bigger follicles had grown a little more than a millimeter today, but quite a few of them are still small. I rushed back to work for a 9:30 meeting so I didn't have time to wait for instructions. I received a call around noon and said they want me to stay on the injections for another night and come back in the morning for another blood draw. One problem...I'm out of Menopur! They told me to double the dosage of Gonal - F and that should be OK.

My egg retrieval is planned for Friday but I don't know what time yet. After the bloodwork tomorrow they will plan the time for my egg retrieval on Friday and tell me when to do my "trigger" shot. There is a light at the end of this hormone filled tunnel!


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