Wednesday, September 21, 2016

IVF Cycle: Stims Day 13

Day 13: Wednesday 9/21 Poke Count 44

Today was eventful! I started the day with my cetrotide injection and stopped by the fertility center on my way to work to have my blood drawn. Around 1PM (an hour after I got back from my lunch break) I got a call from Ashley) My Estrogen levels had dropped from 2254 pg/ml yesterday down to 1578 pg/ml today...not good! They have no idea why this would happen, but if it continued to drop, the follicles would stop growing. I told her I had half a vial of Gonal-F left at home and she wanted me to come to the office right away to get some Menopur. They never have medication in the office and they just happened to have 2 vials that someone had donated. I left work, picked up the medication and went home to get the Gonal-F...this is where things got interesting.

The past week or so, my brain has been mush. I am constantly losing things and forgetting the name of things. I don't know if its a side effect of the medication or I just have so much on my mind, but its not fun. Anyway, I haven't been able to find my house keys since Monday. I left a door open so I could come home on lunch, but I locked that one when I headed back to work after my break today. Brian had opened the dining room window yesterday, so I could wiggle it open and climb inside. I went through the gate into the back yard and found a new, disgusting, wriggly friend making a run (or slither) for it to the Hosta....there was a snake moving very quickly through the grass! I had my little mental freak-out, bolted up the stairs to the deck by the dining room window.

I had to break part of the screen to get to the actual window and I was just barely able to open the window enough to get through. The whole time the dog is barking at me and I'm worried the neighbors will think someone is trying to break in. Excitement aside, I got the medication, gave myself both injections and headed back to work. The Fertility Center called again and told me they still plan on doing my egg retrieval on Friday at 7:45AM! I have to do my Pregnyl (trigger) ingection tonight at 8:15PM and an injection of Lupron at the same time. My mom is actually coming over to give me the Pregnyl shot since its an intramuscular injection. She gives shots all the time at work and I've only done the subcutaneous ones in the belly. Brian is not too fond on stabbing his wife, so I'll let my mom show me how to do it! By the end of today, I will have had 44 pokes since the start of IVF! It really doesn't seem like its been that many!

Thursday night I'll take Valium before bed and take a few more meds in the morning on Friday. Ill need to take a Z-pac to prevent infection, 1000mg of Tylenol and a light sedative. I'll be put under for the procedure and then they will create our embryos!! We will know how many eggs were retrieved immediately and we will get updates on the embryos almost daily until they are biopsied and frozen. Keep your fingers crossed for lots of eggs and lots of embryo growth!


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