Monday, November 28, 2016

Ultrasound #1 6 Weeks 4 days

We got to see our baby for the first time today! A little blob on the screen that we have awaited for oh-so long! Everything looks great so far and the baby is right on track. He/She is currently measuring 6 weeks and 1 day, when in reality I am 6 weeks and 4 days along. The doctor said that is still within range and it could just be how the baby is positioned.

See that little blob up on the left side?? :)

When I went in for ultrasounds of my ovaries while they were stimulating egg growth, they were just fuzzy pictures but this was so clear. We could see the heartbeat right away. It was just a little flicker up in the corner, but Brian pointed it out right away. The heartbeat is 118 beats per minute, which is right on track with how far along I am. It looks like just a tiny blob at this point, but it's incredible to think of how much he/she has grown over the past few weeks. In just a few weeks it has gone from a microscopic group of cells to the size of a blueberry and it will just keep growing as time goes on. 

I have been saying all along that I think the baby is a boy. I don't know why, I just feel like it is going to be a boy. That was until last night. I had an incredibly vivid dream that We had a baby girl with green eyes. I had a long conversation with my mom in my dream where she was explaining that the baby couldn't have green eyes because Brian and I both have blue eyes. I have no idea if that is true or not, but in my dream I believed I knew what I was talking about. That little girl was mine, green eyes and all! 

This past week I have felt sick most of the time. I have only actually thrown up a few times, but I feel like I am going to throw up all day long. I have a stash of Saltines in my nightstand, my car, my desk drawer and even my purse. Brian got me these little candies called "preggie pop drops". They are slightly sour and have essential oils that are supposed to help with the nausea. I think the sour taste just tricks your brain into focussing on something other than the nausea. They do seem to take the edge off when I'm feeling extra crappy. I'll keep the nausea if it means this baby will continue growing. Our next ultrasound is in 2 weeks and we can see how much our little blueberry has grown! 

- Emily

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