Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Maybe it's the hormones making me all warm and fuzzy, but this year I have so many things to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for our parents. They have been so incredibly supportive throughout this entire process. They have celebrated with us when things went our way and listened to us when things got hard. It has been so great to see the excitement they share for our good news and has really been uplifting to Brian and I.  When the baby arrives we know we will have a great emotional support system when the sleep deprivation kicks in.

I am thankful for our families and friends. We have the most incredible support system and knowing so many people were rooting for us and praying for us. I am also thankful for all the people who we don't even know who have taken an interest in our journey. This blog has been read over 4500 times by people all over the world, even as far as Russia and Kenya. I don't even know anyone who lives in most of these places! I am thankful that the internet connects us all so easily and I hope that someday this blog will help someone else who may be in a similar situation.

I'm even thankful for the morning sickness that has finally kicked in because that means my body is doing what it is supposed to! I had a moment the other day where I freaked out that the tests may have all been wrong and I actually wasn't pregnant. I wasn't feeling sick and I didn't have any of the other normal symptoms other than sleepiness. I actually went as far as to take a home pregnancy test just to ease my mind. It said I was pregnant and I went on with my day. I am sure at some point I will change my mind, but for now I am thankful for the nausea...and saltines!

Finally, I'm thankful for this baby growing inside my belly. I'm thankful that this child will be given a chance to grow up without the constant pain that his or her father lives with every day. I have an app on my phone that tells me how big the baby is and each day it says how the baby is developing and growing. It has been so cool to see how each day it is different. This week he or she started growing little nubs where their arms and eyes will be. and is about the size of a peppercorn. Soon we will be able to hear the heartbeat and actually see an ultrasound picture of our baby.

I hope everyone has someone to spend thanksgiving with and please find something to be thankful for.

- Emily

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