Sunday, June 5, 2016

Blisters upon Blisters: Brian has Shingles!

We spent a very nice long weekend camping in Ludington state park with a large group of family and friends. The weather was perfect other than a little rain on Saturday evening which drove us into town . It seems to have become a rainy day tradition on these trips for us all to go to a bar in town and play Cards Against humanity. We went for a hike, sat by the fire and had a very interesting fishing experience, but that's a story for another time.

This was the best panoramic photo we could get of (almost) everyone. Don't mind my father-in law's 9 fingers.

Anyway, on Friday afternoon Brian started complaining of pain in his lower back, he said it felt like a sunburn but he hadn't gotten burnt. We brushed it off assuming it was no big deal and would go away on its own. By Saturday morning the pain had spread up his side and a small patch of red had formed on his lower back. Sunday morning brought more pain and a second patch, the first patch of red had turned into a cluster of tiny blisters at this point. On the way home every little bump in the road irritated his back. When we got back to Grand Rapids we went to urgent care and they confirmed that Brian does in fact have shingles!!

The doctor asked him about the pain and when he lifted his shirt she saw the blisters from his EB on his waist. He told her what it was and she said it was probably just from his skin condition, even though she didn't know what EB was. He had to explain to her several times that this was a completely different type of pain, burning and stinging. When she finally took a look at the rash, she knew it was shingles. She prescribed anti-viral medication and said the rash should go away in about a week. The pain on the other hand could last months!!! Just what he needs!

Getting ready for bed Sunday night his side started hurting and the rash had spread even more. He literally has tiny blisters from the shingles on top of the blisters from his EB. Brian will be taking medication 5 times a day and I will be washing my hands and disinfecting the house like a crazy person!

Tiny Blisters on top of big blisters :( This spot on his side is particularly painful. 

Prayers and crossed fingers that this won't last long!


1 comment:

  1. Aww. Brian. That stinks. Hope it is a mild case and passes sion.
