Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Giant Box of Needles

So my last post ended on a positive note. Our insurance had agreed to cover most of my medications and the total we paid was around $1200. We were happy with that and relieved to know that everything was set with my medication. Unfortunately we got a call at 7pm on Thursday from CVS and I've been too angry to even begin to write about it until now. Some new information had been sent through from our insurance and somehow we still owe over $6000 for all of my meds....what?!?! Needless to say I am not proud of the way I spoke to the woman on the other end of the phone. I still don't fully understand how we went from $1200 to $6000. They said the prices for insurance are different than out of pocket and I have $3500 max for all fertility meds. They must have forgotten to mention that. Anyway, we went back to mostly our original plan. I asked CVS exactly what meds I could get without going over the $3500 max, I was able to fill all 20 vials of Menopur and 2 vials of the Cetrotide. They threw in a sharps container and some alcohol swabs too. The rest of the meds we got elsewhere for a MUCH cheaper price.

We received the first giant box of needles from CVS yesterday.  I was surprised to see that the Cetrotide came in a cooler with ice packs. Apparently it needs to be refrigerated! We are still expecting 3 more boxes which should be here tomorrow. Brian convinced me to do an "unboxing" video because he says nerdy people like them. I probably should have gone through the box first though so I wasn't just guessing as I went along. I was totally wrong on the different needles! You can pretty much just ignore everything I say, its all incorrect anyway.

New Goodies 

Batman and Renly were more impressed by the box
On a non-med related note, we were expecting RGI to be done with our DNA probe last week. When I spoke with them last Tuesday they said it was on track to be done by the end of that week. On Friday our nurse, Ashley called and said that RGI had contacted her and it would be done the following week. I spoke with our genetic counselor, Divya, today and's still not done! While the probe "might" be done next week, we did get the go ahead to start the next step with The Fertility Center. Divya will contact our nurse, Ashley, to give her the green light and hopefully we can get this thing moving. We are just hoping there are no more setbacks.


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